Tuesday, April 29, 2014

AaaARgh! Pirate Day and More!

This is our second week back to school since spring break, and we are right back to work, full speed ahead! Besides kicking off our next unit with purple day, we also started last week with Pirate Day on Tuesday! What better way is there to learn the AR sound than to be pirates for the day?

There were pirate words hidden all over the school!

Our day started when we received a special message in a bottle that had washed up into the kindergarten classroom. (There was also a rare sighting of Mrs. Keppley dressed in pirate garb...I bet you're sorry you missed that! Unfortunately there were no pictures.) Our message was from Pirate Mark who lives on an ark and loves to eat candy bars for breakfast! Throughout the day we searched the school for AR words and added them to our map.

We also made little pirates and wrote down some of the AR words we learned. We started a list on the board, but the kids caught onto the AR sound so quickly that they were able to add lots of words to their lists that we didn't put on the board! The pirates turned out so cute!
Aaaargh! What a cute bunch of pirates!

We added the pirates to our bulletin board (and some in the hall) and we were all set to find our treasure!

The kids searched the room high and low and finally found a treasure chest - full of candy bars! We enjoyed our special treat before we went home. I sent some very tired and excited pirates home that day!

This week we've been talking all about gardens and plants. Unfortunately, God is watering our gardens quite a bit this week, so we are back to indoor recess. I caught this gem during recess this morning:

Mrs. Moore even got in on the action today!

Hopefully the sun will return soon!