Thursday, October 15, 2015

Counting Rhymes

This week our theme has been nursery rhymes! We've learned about nursery rhyme children (Little Jack Horner, Little Boy Blue), animal rhymes, and today we worked on counting rhymes. All the kids really enjoyed playing "One potato, Two potato" (did anyone else play that at recess in elementary school??)

One potato, two potato, three potato four...

We also wrote our very own class counting rhyme. Here it is!

One, one, who has one?
Ava has one pink Lego car.
Two, two, who has two?
Caroline has 2 arms.
Three, Three, who has three?
Isabella has three dogs.
Four, four, who has four?
Caleigh has four toy cats.
Five, five, who has five?
Amelie has five pizzas!

It is always amazing to me to see the difference from the first week of kindergarten to the end of the first quarter. We've learned so many things! It's such a blessing to see these children growing during Bible time, learning their letters and reading words, and working with numbers. It's hard to believe the first quarter is almost over already!

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