Friday, October 23, 2015

Scavenger Hunt!

Who can ignore this great fall weather!? I decided we could doing some learning outside the school walls today and we all went on a fall scavenger hunt. Can you say excited? I should have brought earplugs! The kids took off right away to start completing their lists and adding to their bags.

We hardly got out the door before the kids were checking items off their lists.
Birds nests were sighted. Mushrooms were ooooohhhed over. Leaves were stuffed in their bags. I'm not sure anyone legitimately saw a squirrel, though, because we just couldn't get quiet enough for them to stick around.

I love activities that incorporate reading, writing, and a whole host of other learning skills into an outdoor activity. The kids don't even realize that learning is taking place! We took our scavenger hunt down the trail into the woods to the observation deck, and ended on the soccer field (because who doesn't need to burn off a little energy?)

I hope fall sticks around a little longer, but if it doesn't, we'll move the fun indoors! We're already looking forward to Teddy Bear Day next Friday!

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